Bill Crosier's blog
Houstonians Amazed by Bizarre "Welcome" at Gene Green's Office
Representatives from a number of Houston organizations held a press conference and rally near Congressman Gene Green's east Houston office on May 11, after being prevented from holding a press conference on the property where his office is.
Help us build a bigger progressive force for change
Fellow PAA'ers, please forward the note below to folks you know in other organizations in our area (along with an invitation from you), and ask them to come to our Feb. meeting. By inviting them to tell us how we can help their groups, we can build a larger political force for progressive change in our area, while planning some fun events that everyone will enjoy. -- Bill Crosier
Thanks, Hope, and the Future
In this message:
1. Thanks
2. Hope
3. The Future, What We Can Do
4. Summary
1. Thanks
Democratic Party Hiding Popularity of Demand to Impeach
The following was written by Willie Simmons, a long-time member of the Progressive Action Alliance. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the article title to read the entire entry.
Democratic Primary Endorsements
A number of progressive organizations have made their list of endorsements public, and since they've spent the time to look at various candidates, their endorsement lists may be useful to you, especially for down-ballot positions. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the title of this article, or the "read the rest" link for details.
Tell Washington: "Bring the Troops Home"
This is a call to action. Please help increase the pressure on our government. Give more people a chance to speak out. Take blank, stamped post cards, clipboards, pens, and officials’ address lists everywhere you go.
Dennis Kucinich to Announce for President Dec. 12
Kucinich to announce for President
‘Deeply concerned’ by failure of Democratic leadership to heed voters’ November call to end war
Monday, December 11, 2006
The Lizard Strategy
Again this year, we have some choices between awful candidates from the Republican party, and some less-than stellar Democrats. (I do realize that there are some excellent Dems even here in Texas, though, such as David Van Os and several running for Congress and the state legislature.)
Texas Democrat convention 2006 videos online
The Texas Democratic Party has put the videos of the speeches from last weekend's state convention on To see them all, go to My favorite is the speech by Attorney General candidate David Van Os, with an introduction by former Atty Gen.
Delegate Strategy Summary for Mar. 25 Texas SD & Co. Conventions
Note 1: Where it says "Senatorial District (or SD) Convention" below, this means the portion of your Texas senatorial district that is in your county. In areas outside metropolitan areas, where there is only one Senatorial District for the entire county, there is a County Convention.
Note 2: Another good and concise reference for the SD conventions is at the Progressive Populist Caucus web site at -- Note that some of the addresses for the SD conventions in Harris Co. on that list and on the HCDP web page are not correct, though. Check with your SD chair to make sure of the location before Mar. 25!
State Candidate Questionnaire
1. Would you support requiring all electronic voting machines to print on paper for each voter a complete summary of their voting choices, which will become, after their inspection, the authoritative record of their vote?
National (Congressional) Candidate Questionnaire
1. Would you support requiring all electronic voting machines to print on paper for each voter a summary of their voting choices, which will become, after their inspection, the authoritative record of their vote?
Why should we care about resolutions and going to the Democratic conventions here in Texas?
Some people question why we bother with writing and promoting resolutions, and say that the candidates may ignore them or that the general public doesn't care. However, I believe there are some very important reasons why we should promote resolutions that deal with issues we care about:
Spreading Values through Social Action/Elevator Speeches
Spreading Values through Social Action
Presentation by Bill Crosier to Unitarian Fellowship Church
January 15, 2006
[Note: See downloads below for handout on Elevator Speeches]
Thank you for allowing me to share this morning with you, to talk about some ideas of how we can spread our social values.
Writing Resolutions - Why do it, Guidelines
At the PAA meeting this evening, we discussed the resolutions that our group wrote two years ago, before the 2004 primaries. Using these resolutions in the next few months, with some minor updates/revisions, along with some additional ones, can help us in several ways: