Health Care Coverage for Employees and Associates within Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS the lack of health insurance coverage for many Texans who are employed but not offered adequate health coverage increases health care costs for all Texas residents; and
WHEREAS large companies such as Wal-Mart make huge profits at the expense of their employees by not providing adequate health benefits; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that this precinct urges the Texas Democratic Party to support a State law:
That requires organizations with more than fifty employees within the State of Texas to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on health benefits or put the equivalent amount of money directly into the Texas State's health program for the poor.
DRAFT by Jim Rine, rev. feb. 12, 2006, updated Feb. 2008 by B. Crosier
Attachment | Size |
Health_Care_For_Employees08.pdf | 47.8 KB |