Campaign Finance Reform (old version)
Note: This is an old resolution that has been superceded by a new version.
Whereas, Candidates for public office now depend upon large contributions to run competitive campaigns; and
Whereas, Elected officials often operate on behalf of contributors who want their wealth to control government decision-making; and
Whereas, Members of Congress often represent their own interests, special interests (dollars) and their political party before considering the interests of the people that they were elected to represent; and
Whereas, Even highly-principled officials who want to stay in office to serve their constituents are forced into objectionable compromises in order to finance re-elections; and
Whereas, Media monopolies restrict and censor political debate, leaving the electorate without the benefits that a Free Press was intended to provide; and
Whereas, Broadcasting corporations charge exhorbitant rates for election ads while profiting from the use of publicly-owned airwaves; therefore, be it
Resolved, that we support:
* Comprehensive campaign finance reform and "clean money" public financing of the public's elections,
* Requirements for ample free and equal broadcast time for candidates, and
* Break-up of the media monopolies.