Texas Public Campaign Financing (Clean Elections)..

Submitted by Bill Crosier on February 27, 2008 - 9:00pm. :: |

To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.

WHEREAS, campaign funding at all levels of government has soared in recent decades; and

WHEREAS, potential candidates are usually not considered viable without wealthy and economically powerful supporters; and

WHEREAS, under the current system of campaign financing, the average citizen cannot match the political influence of the economically powerful; and

WHEREAS, candidates and elected officials are required to spend a huge proportion of their time, energy, and staff raising funds rather than meeting with constituents; and

WHEREAS, the public interest has taken a back seat to the private and special interests which are influencing decisions made by our elected representatives; and

WHEREAS, public financing of campaigns has been successfully implemented in seven states and two cities;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Texas Democratic Party finds and declares that the unique factual circumstances in the State of Texas require that provisions for publicly financed elections be enacted to promote the compelling interests of democracy in Texas;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that to this end the Texas State Democratic Party meeting in convention insists that the Texas legislature during its next session commencing in January 2009, enact a law and/or pass legislation providing for such a constitutional amendment election necessary for the establishment of a publicly financed elections system in Texas. Such system to provide public financing for all state legislative and statewide elective office candidates who refuse to take any private interest or special interest campaign contributions and agree to certain spending limits. This public financing would be used by candidates to campaign for elective office adhering to all election and campaign reporting laws.

This resolution was furnished by True Courage Action Network http://www.truecourageaction.net

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