Department Of Peace: A Renewed Commitment To Peace And Diplomacy..
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Whereas, Our unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq has alienated our allies, demonstrated U.S. indifference to international concerns, and increased recruits for terrorist groups bent on fighting our country; and
Whereas, the US has a much higher level of gang violence, domestic violence, violence in schools, and hate crimes than do many other countries; and
Whereas, conflict in all relationships is inevitable; and
Whereas, Two hundred seventy million people died in the twentieth century when conflicts were addressed with military and political force; and
Whereas, Military and political forces are expensive and starve our nation of the resources needed to create a strong, healthy society; and
Whereas, Nonviolent mediation has proved successful in seemingly insoluble conflicts, ranging from India's struggle for independence to the great strides made towards integration in the U.S.; and
Whereas, Implementing nonviolent approaches for domestic programs and foreign mediation requires broad understanding, research and a concerted effort; and
Whereas, There is no single government entity assigned to deal with these various issues and report to the American people the status of our efforts to achieve these goals; be it therefore
RESOLVED, That we strengthen security in our country and in the world by:
* Rejecting a foreign policy of preemptive, unilateral war,
* Working with the world community through the United Nations, and
* Supporting international agreements such as the Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty, the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions, the Small Arms Treaty, the International Criminal Court and the Kyoto Climate Treaty; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a Cabinet level Department of Peace be established to study and advance non-violence as the organizing principle in all human relations from families and neighborhoods to courts and congresses, both nationwide and internationally.
Note: This resolution was originally developed by the 2004 Texas Kucinich for President campaign, and entitled "A Renewed Commitment To Peace And Diplomacy: A Cabinet Level Department Of Peace". It was approved by the Texas state Democratic Convention in 2004, but was not incorporated into the platform at that time.
Updated by B. Crosier Feb. 2008
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