GLBT Rights..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, Too many Americans, especially the gay/lesbian/bisexual/trangendered community, continue to be targets of discrimination; and
WHEREAS, Objections to GLBT rights, including opposition to same-sex marriages, are based on individually-held prejudices and interpreted religious beliefs that not all share; and
WHEREAS, One of the foundations of our nation is that one's religious beliefs cannot be imposed upon others; and
WHEREAS, Members of the GLBT community should enjoy all the rights and privileges of all the other citizens in the State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, Members of the GLBT community continue to be the target of hate crimes; and
WHEREAS, Sexual orientation has no bearing on the integrity and patriotism required to serve one's country; and
WHEREAS, in November 2005, Texas voters passed a Discriminatory Anti-Gay and Lesbian Constitutional Amendment (Proposition 2) denying gays and lesbians basic constitutional rights; be it therefore
* That relationships between same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples should be equal in the eyes of the law, including marriage;
* That all benefits and legal entitlements available to heterosexual couples should be made available to homosexual couples;
* That hate crimes laws be strengthened and enforced;
* That openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals no longer be banned from serving in the US armed forces; and be it further
RESOLVED, That until Proposition 2 is repealed, the State Legislature should enact laws to provide members of the GLBT community the rights to
* Make medical decisions for their partners
* Receive inheritances from their partners
* Obtain insurance benefits through their partners
* Adopt children.
This resolution is based on one originally written by the Texans for Kucinich campaign in Jan. 2004, entitled "Gay Rights", revised Feb. 2006. This version was revised by K. Kain and C. Crosier, Feb. 2008, and includes part of a related resolution entitled "Repeal Proposition 2", which was written in Feb. 2006.
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