Social Security and Pension Protection..
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Whereas the current retirement age is 67; and
Whereas corporate executives are cheating people of their retirement benefits; and
Whereas the Social Security fund is solid through the year 2042; and
Whereas corporate executive pensions are totally protected from creditors while employee benefit plans do not share the same protections, as demonstrated in the enormous corporate bankruptcies in the last three years, and
Whereas the present administration proposes privatization of Social Security, thereby subjecting Social Security to the vagaries of Wall Street; therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the United States government preserve Social Security benefits and protect employee benefits under private pension plans as follows:
* Roll back retirement age to 65;
* Assure that employee benefits are protected to the same extent as that of executives in the event of bankruptcy;
* Preserve the solidity of the Social Security fund by denying all attempts to privatize it and by raising the cap on income subject to Social Security deductions.
Original resolution written by Texans for Kucinich, Jan. 2004. Updated by K. Kain, Feb. 2008.
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