Resolutions for your Precinct Convention
If you vote in the Texas primary (or during early voting), be sure to come back to your individual precinct voting location (not an early voting location) for your precinct convention.
Precinct conventions start at 7:15 PM, or after the last person in line has voted, and are a great place to educate others about issues you care about, and get resolutions on them approved and sent up to the Senate District (SD) conventions and the state convention, so they'll get noticed by a lot more people.
Go to our resolutions list and pick out resolutions of interest to you -- just click on the titles of any of them. Download the pdf versions that are formatted for printing, and bring several copies of each to your precinct convention. If you want to write your own resolution on a topic we did not cover, refer to our Resolution-Writing Guidelines (see link at ) for suggestions on how to write a good resolution that is likely to be passed.
Some additional resolutions are also on the Burnt Orange Report web site -- please see these too.
If you don't vote in the primary, you are eligible to sign petitions to help get the Green Party on the ballot in Texas this year. For at least one state-wide office (Comptroller), there's no Democrat on the ballot, so this is not even a conflict for any Dem. See for details.
Move Texas Beyond Fossil Fuels Into Alternative Energy
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, the state of Texas is a national leader in energy production and home to many international energy
Restore the U.S. Constitution..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, The United States Constitution, federal statutes and treaties are the supreme law of the United States of America, ensuring our democracy, the separation of powers and the rule of law;
End U.S. Intervention Overseas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS the U.S. government spends billions in tax dollars maintaining military bases in more than 100 countries; and
No Border Wall in Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, The U.S. is and has always been a nation of immigrants who have enriched the American culture; and
Department Of Peace: A Renewed Commitment To Peace And Diplomacy..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
Whereas, Our unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq has alienated our allies, demonstrated U.S. indifference to international concerns, and increased recruits for terrorist groups bent on fighting our country; and
Restitution to Innocent Iraqi War Victims..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, THE UNITED STATES invaded the country of Iraq based on a LIE told to the American people and
Texas Public Campaign Financing (Clean Elections)..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, campaign funding at all levels of government has soared in recent decades; and
Clean Skies/Clean Energy - Toward Energy Efficient/ Renewable Energy Economy in Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachments box below.
Clean Skies/Clean Energy
Abolish the Death Penalty in Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS Texas leads the country in executions, having put to death 405 people since the death penalty was reinstated, over one third of all US executions, and
Environmental Initiative Resolutions (7)
These resolutions were all developed by the Environmental Initiative of the Houston Region Democrats.
Some were originally presented and passed by the Harris County Democratic Party Executive Committee in June 2005, in a form that dealt with Harris County. Those resolutions were modified to address statewide issues and additional resolutions were added.
For information on these, contact Stephanie Hrabar, Ph. D.: shrabar{at}wt{dot}net, 713-683-0638.
Voter Confidence Resolution (Comprehensive verifiable voting resolution)..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
Whereas an election is a competition for the privilege of representing the people; and
Reform Drug Policy to Decrease Harm and Increase Public Safety..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS it has become increasingly apparent that policies seeking to redress the negative consequences of drug use and abuse via have failed; and
Strengthen Public Education in Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, only 16% of low income 4th graders in Texas are proficient in reading compared to 39% of non-poor students, only 16% of African-American 4th graders in Texas are proficient in reading compared to 39% of white students, only 17% of Latino 4th graders in Texas are proficient in reading compared to 39% of white students; and
Repeal NAFTA, CAFTA & Withdraw From WTO..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS Participation in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) has meant a race to the bottom for workers, family farmers and the environment, contributing to a $600 + billion trade deficit and a loss of millions of US jobs; and
Protect Reproductive Rights..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
Whereas denying the right to choose abortion will not curtail abortions but will send desperate women to dangerous, unlicensed clinics; and
Living Wage..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS The minimum wage in the State of Texas will be $6.55 per hour in July, 2008, which for a full time worker, yields $13,624 per year, which is $3500.00 below the poverty level for a family of three; and
Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, Israel has illegally occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem for 40 years in violation of U. N. Resolution no. 242; and
Climate Protection Measures for Texas..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, climate disruption of the magnitude now predicted by the scientific community will cause extremely costly disruption of human and natural systems throughout the world including: more intense hurricanes; increased risk of floods or droughts; sea-level rises that interact with coastal storms to erode beaches, inundate land, and damage structures; more frequent and extreme heat waves; more frequent and greater concentrations of smog; and
Promote the Preamble to the US Constitution..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, The Preamble to the Constitution, written in 1787, is the philosophical cornerstone of this country, and