Conscious Living Wokshop Special Discount to Military Family.
Event Description:
2 DAY WORKSHOP Aug 8th 8am-7pm
Aug 9th 8am-7pm.
Each participant will be served a mid morning fruit snack, an Ayurvedic sattvic vegetarian Lunch,and an early evening herbal tea with treats.
Special Discount for Armed forces. Meditation, Breathing, Prana-yama techniques, living in harmony with
nature and Universe. Enlivening teaching methods will provide the spiritual foundation toward your well being, health, clarity of mind and rejuvenation.
As an ordained monk, Swami Vidyadhishanada teaches principal philosophies such as Vedanta, Samkhya and Yoga. In 2006, Swami Vidyadhishananda was awarded the recognition of Mahamahopadhyay, which means "Great Ordained Teacher". This degree is one of the rarest accolades conferred through the University system in India, to extraordinary personalities.
During this two-day structured workshop, participants will learn high-end conscious living principles disseminated through the rich and rigorous classical curriculum of the Himalayan Masters tradition.
Enjoy the serene ambiance while Swami Vidyadhishananda elucidates using the shruti method of teaching about the flow and mysteries of prana/ life force.
The Workshop will feature:
1. Uncommon pranayama techniques of Himalayan yoga tradition.
2. Use of natural elements (water& soil etc.)
3. Soma and agni balance; explanation of prana calendar using
breath cycles;
4. Unique angle into Biorhythms
5. effortless meditation method using sound-current
6. Slide-show about esoteric themes on guna;
7. Alkaline food balance; Vinyasa krama yoga with instructor Pam Johnson;
and several handouts to supplement a structured presentation and much more.
The Conscious Living Workshop will take place on Saturday 8 August and Sunday 9 August at the American Bodhi Center in Waller, TX. For more details or to register please contact self.escramble('houston',''); or call 713-503-5292. Online registration offered for convenience at
Event Phone Contact Information:
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Event Fee:
$275 for 2 Days but Special Discount to Military only $100/