Petition in support of HR 799 (formerly HR 333) calling for the impeachment of Richard B. Cheney

We are collecting signatures on the attached petition in support of HR 799 (formerly HR 333) calling for the impeachment of Cheney for actively misleading us about:
Iraq weapons of mass destruction;
Links between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein; and
Iran's nuclear threat to the United States.

Cheney's dissembling culminated in a war of aggression against Iraq. In a maddening replay, Cheney is now using similar language to position the U.S. for a second war of aggression, this time against Iran. The Nuremberg trials established the principle that the supreme crime against humanity is a war of aggression against a sovereign nation. Because our leaders and government representatives have failed to stop the supreme criminality of this administration, it is incumbent on us, the people, to demand impeachment.

In addition to collecting signatures on the petition and faxing completed petitions to the House Judiciary Committee at 202.225.7680; Nancy Pelosi at 202.225.4188; and the Houston Chronicle (ideally along with a letter to the editor) at 713.362.6677, proposes these actions:


Thanks to Dennis Kucinich, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2007 was an historic day for impeachment!

As promised, Kucinich requested a floor vote on H.Res. 333, and as expected, BushDemocrat Leader Steny Hoyer moved to table the bill. And then all hell broke loose as 165 Republicans voted with Kucinich and 85 other brave Democrats to force a debate on impeachment and thereby embarrass Nancy Pelosi.

To block that debate, Hoyer moved to send H.Res. 333 back to the Judiciary Committee, and that motion passed with the support of all but 5 Democrats (Kucinich, Bob Filner, Marcy Kaptur, Maxine Waters, and Ed Towns). A live blog of the proceedings is posted at

So what do we do next to move impeachment forward?

1. Call the House Judiciary Committee at 202-225-3951 and demand hearings on H.Res. 333.

2. Email all of the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee:

3. If you live in the district of a House Judiciary Committee member, call their office and tell them you're a constituent and you want immediate hearings on H.Res. 333. Then join your Congressional District Impeachment Committee
and organize a HonkToImpeach rally in front of your Representative's district office. Then keep up the pressure on your Representative every way you can, including letters to the editor, calls to local talk shows, and pointed questions at every community forum attended by your Representative.

4. If your Congress Member is not on the Judiciary Committee, ask them to cosponsor H Res 333:

5. Start a media campaign including op-ed articles on impeaching Cheney, letters-to-the-editor about the Kucinich resolution, and informational picketing in front of the offices of local media, particularly in Detroit for Conyers and NY City for Nadler. Media activism kit: And ask the talk shows to give the Republicans the impeachment debate they claim they wanted:

6. Ask pollsters to poll the public on impeachment, especially of Cheney:

7. Watch for updates and notice of a national conference call with Rep. Dennis Kucinich at

Petition in support of HR 799.pdf16.44 KB