Negotiate with Hamas - OLD

Submitted by Bill Crosier on February 7, 2006 - 4:15pm. :: | |

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WHEREAS, The Palestinian people participated in January 2006 in an election of the members of their parliament; and WHEREAS, The elections were internationally monitored and widely declared to be fair and clean; and WHEREAS, The result of the election was the ouster of the long-reigning Fatah faction and the induction of the Islamic Hamas faction; and WHEREAS, The only way to resolve a conflict is to negotiate directly with one's adversary, no matter how strongly contemned; and WHEREAS, A third party has no standing to name the representatives of a democratic government to which it is not a constituent; be it therefore RESOLVED, That the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and all other officials duly appointed by our government negotiate directly, and without precondition, with the Palestinian counterparts appointed and empowered by the current democratically elected Hamas-led government of the Palestinian people.

Draft by Willie Simmons, Feb. 2006

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