Needle Exchange..

Submitted by Sarah Gonzales on October 13, 2005 - 6:52am. :: |

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WHEREAS, In 2004 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 21% of HIV positive people in the United States were infected by sharing needles during intravenous drug use (IVDU); and

WHEREAS, The effect of IVDU infections extends beyond the individual to sexual partners, unborn children, and their community; and

WHEREAS, Providing new, unused needles (exchanging one clean for one dirty) to IV drug users reduces this mechanism of transmission and is far less costly to our healthcare system and society than the care and treatment of a person with AIDS; and

WHEREAS, Needle exchange does not increase drug use and when accompanied by drug counseling and medical services actually encourages the addict to seek recovery; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That needle exchange programs be established and funded as an effective element of treatment for drug users.

Original version written Feb. 2004 by V. Parks. Updated Feb. 2008 by C. Crosier

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